A Personal Auto Policy protects you against financial loss if you have an accident. Auto insurance provides property, liability and medical coverage.
General liability insurance protects your company against 3rd party liability claims from incidents that occur on the policyholder's premises or the non-professional aspects of the insured's practice.
Homeowners insurance provides coverage in the event of damage to your property, as well as liability for injuries and damages caused to other people. B & A will help you make the appropriate choices about this important form of protection for you and your family.
Property insurance provides protection against most risks to property, such as fire, theft and some weather damage. This includes specialized forms of insurance such as fire, flood, earthquake insurance, home insurance or property of any type.
Our specialty is insuring New Venture rental car operators by evaluating Loss Runs and Claims experience for seasoned operators that are often paying higher premiums than they may deserve.
Umbrella liability insurance is so named because it acts in a similar way to an umbrella, sitting on top of your auto and homeowners liability policies to provide additional protection.
Workers compensation insurance IS THE LAW protects workers injured on the job for medical costs and wages; also if an employee is hurt on premises or elsewhere and if involved in an auto accidents while on business. It also covers work-related illnesses.
Making sure your company is compliance with all the changes taking place with health care reform. We representing all carriers for any size group, provide work sight benefits in addition to lap-top enrollment services with licensed benefit coaches.